Saturday, 26 October 2019

The Disappearing Act

Wow, it has been 3 years since I last blogged. My master in ghosting has done me well. Just kidding.

So let's see, what has changed since I disappeared..
My whole entire life -almost, literally.

Stopped flying and became an 8 - 5 kinda gal.
It's been 2 years working with SQ. Still thankful that my workplace is just a 10 minutes drive from my place.

Speaking of my place, finally bought a house and moved in. It's been 3 months now and I'm loving every bit of having a house to ourselves. Still weird coming home to your own place, in a good way.

We're back to the heart of my childhood place, Tampines.
Will talk about my place some other time with deets.

So yeah, other than that nothing much have changed.
Still married to the same guy 4 years ago, hehe.
No kids plan yet. Oh come on, going 28 in 3 months is still young okay.
No doubt I'm still managing to take care of the needs of 2 adults.

That basically sums up my life from the 2 years on hiatus.
Still hoping that I will fully utilise this platform for my daily rants.
Let's just hope that I won't take another year or 2 for another post.


Till then, 

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