Friday, 1 November 2019

Mojo jojo, You're a Badass

Hello there my beautiful weekend, just dropping by to remind my future self if you're reading this.

You're self-sufficient, powerful and you rock your own world just like how you want it to be.
Be bold and beautiful.

Show the people around you that you deserve to be where you are right now in life and what's important is that it must be coming sincerely from you, the drive you're looking for.

I know you can do it.
You know we've got this.
Make as many mistakes as you possibly can and learn from it. Don't forget to rise above all, especially people who are trying to bring you down.

Your time is so precious to let them and their negativity to put you in a place you don't want to be.
So, put on that heels and strut that runway aka your world.

Yours Truly.
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