Saturday, 7 March 2020

Self-care 2020

Fast forward 3 months later, I am here writing to you bright and early. I wouldn't say it's really early but 8.57am on a sleep-in weekend, that is early.

So nothing much have changed except now, in 2020 I find myself doing things that puts myself first.
I have not been doing that for the past 10 years I think or probably my entire life.

People's opinion used to matter a lot to me but now, I couldn't care less. I don't want to get upset over petty stuffs anymore, especially now when I'm mentally incapable of doing so. Trust me, the past 3 years plus,  I have been really tough on myself mentally. Why do I always self-sabotage myself with the voices in my head. ,My mind has always been deciphering people's behaviour and how that affects me.

I knew that I needed to stop. This gets too much for me to handle sometimes, trust me it's exhausting.
Well, that's when I recently started self-care on myself lately.

Have been signing up things I never thought I would. Simplest things like going to the nail salon to get my mani and pedi (yes, I don't really like painting my nails that much but I do like the services rendered) makes me happy. Cut and colour my hair, so happy that I've got fringe now - It's been years! Well of course, buying more clothes (even though I have tonnes of it) does make me happy too.

This I promise myself, if I'm tired, I will let myself rest. If I'm hungry, I will let myself eat.
If I am annoyed, I will let myself walk away from the situation. If any of the situations invoked any feelings in me, I will act rationally of what is expected.

If there is one thing left for me to do is, to comfort myself with positive thoughts everyday.

I hope to come out stronger than ever.


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